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 Algeria to actually no longer belong to Algerians.

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Algeria to actually no longer belong to Algerians. Empty
PostSubject: Algeria to actually no longer belong to Algerians.   Algeria to actually no longer belong to Algerians. I_icon_minitimeThu 19 Jul - 22:34

Would Algeria still belong to Algerians?
Since independence, the Algerian political system has not changed and will not change. It has managed so far to survive all geopolitical changes and all popular riots. Like the HIV virus of AIDS, each aggression reinforces it even more. By design, this system has only one goal: to occupy the power without sharing and keep it at all costs until the end of time.
Nevertheless, after more than half a century of exercise and adventurism, this system has just reached an unsurpassable limit to the image of moving bodies, which, as postulated by the theory of relativity, cannot exceed the speed of light in the free space.
The question that preoccupies me today on the eve of the 56th anniversary of independence, is the following: would Algeria still belong to Algerians?
1) - "Bougnoules" in Power to sell independent Algeria
Judging by the drift of the current political as well as economic and social situation; Algeria is escaping its citizens. . It is irreversibly heading for a chaotic state such as the Libyan state where citizens will swirl in all directions in a large lot, a no-man's land, and where the soil and the basement no longer belong to them.
Those who took the Algerians to this level of distress, who mortgaged and sold this country; it is precisely these stupid "bougnoules" that colonialism has always despised even when they claimed for him Algerie-Francaise. They, who served it zealously, who have always dreamed of resembling him and if possible to replace him to crush their native brethren.
They are happy to have internalized the complex of the colonized as described by Ibn Khaldoun and formalized later by Frantz Fanon. Those who took the train at the end of the race to infiltrate and claim "independence". Even those who, once usurped power, without shame and arrogance, began to roll the "r" in pseudo-revolutionary speeches addressed to the fellahs in the furthest away douars in French.
These "--- it is the children of the families who made their rise in the wake of the colonization, who were the main beneficiaries of the independence [1]".
Better still, they taught their offspring the art of administrative cheating to fill positions, squeeze the lemon and planned a drop off somewhere else just in case.
2) - By design, this system is doomed to failure
The end of the last century was the theater of great geopolitical transformations. The Soviet system, despite all its ideological and military strength, has fallen. However, he has learned the lesson and converted into a Russia that is currently an international military-political power with which it is necessary to reckon.
The countries of the East leaving the Soviet Union, with little exceptions, have been able to join the liberal economy by democratizing their policies fairly well. For the South American countries, most of them have managed, with more or less difficulties, to democratize their political systems. Several African countries are trying to make their way towards a democratization of political life with more or less difficulty. Similarly, all over the world, some experiences of curiously non-Arab Muslim countries have achieved a democratic transformation leading to a remarkable modernization of their societies while granting in their political systems an important place to the Moslem religion. Examples include Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Turkey.
In this great theater, the only countries that are refractory to change, freedom and democracy are and remain the Arab countries. They are also resistant to progress except in its version consumption and enjoyment. Of the republican or monarchical type, his powers remain sadly backward as coming from another age and isolated on another planet. Moreover, for many years, they have not stopped capsizing alternately between a pseudo-Westernized military regime and a regime driven by waves of retrograde Islamism. The struggle between the two offers an ideal ground for the emergence of tribal, sectarian, regional, racist, religious, ideological, and other conflicts. Ultimately, they are all doomed to failure, degradation and disintegration because they carry inside themselves a self-destructive germ.
3) - Rather Kleptocratics than oligarchs
In recent years, several analysts have begun to define the Algerian regime as an oligarchic power. This appointment was made hastily when a few predators gathered in the Forum of Business Leaders (FCE). However, this name is inappropriate. The oligarchy can be a generator of wealth contrarily to those of ours. It is therefore rather a kleptocratic power that exploits national resources and hijacks them for their own benefit. Worse still, their role is in fact to transfer the country's natural resources abroad, to barter them for capital and consumer goods while taking their share by bribery and other maneuvers. In fact, they act as representatives of foreign interests and are in the process of selling off the country to foreign powers
4) - The harragas and saves who can
Many Algerians have already realized that this country does not belong to them and that it is not good to live there or stay there. The number and the diversity of the groups fleeing the country in a sad and worrying hurry is growing. The leaving groups are countless: harragas, boat-people, asylum seekers, candidates for emigration to all countries, visa holders but not returning, visa applicants by the thousands, brains looking for employers abroad, etc.
5) - Economy distributed between great powers
The unproductive Algerian economy is based on the export of hydrocarbons against the importation of goods and services. Trade is divided between four major groups: (1) - the European community with at the head France, (2) the USA, (3) Russia and (4) the Asian axis with at the head China.
The European Union and France supply mainly manufactured products and foods. The US is interested in our hydrocarbon reserves and extensive agriculture. Russia is particularly concerned with armaments. China and the Gulf countries are mainly involved in small business transactions, through products and processes of transformation intended for small and medium industry.
Nevertheless, the last years, one could note an offensive of France to assert its economic place and to safeguard its part. In addition, there is also an ongoing US offensive to monopolize hydrocarbon resources rich in shale gas and land for extensive agriculture.
6) False Solutions to Serious Problems?
Since the beginning of the fall in hydrocarbon prices in 2014 impacting the trade balance and announcing the economic crisis; all measures and attempts successively taken by this power to reduce or mitigate the effects of the crisis have not only failed but have proved counterproductive. This was predictable and this was explicitly predicted by some Algerian observers.
The reason is that all measures have been secretly enacted by and in favor of the kleptocrats. These were false solutions for a serious crisis. We can cite: bond loan; taxes imposed by the finance laws; the limitation of import products; vehicle assembly industry; non-conventional financing; export of agricultural products rejected for non-compliance. In the end, this only led to increased inflation, the devaluation of the dinar, reinvigorated the black market and corruption, and so on.
Unconventional financing, in particular, by publishing the equivalent of US $ 30 billion instead of US $ 10 billion as a first tranche, suggests that much of it could mainly enable kleptocrats to source and absorb parallel market currencies given the unavailability of foreign exchange because of the imbalance in the trade balance and the loss of foreign exchange reserves (85 billion USD).
However, all this money supply outside banks as well as real estate are used for money laundering, the escape of foreign currency by networks that can be dangerous: drugs, weapons, human trafficking, financing groups baltaguias, denominational, separatists, terrorists, etc.
The only serious option is finally at this moment that the advisers of our kleptocrats are those of the BM / IMF on the one hand and those of the American petrodollar lobbies, on the other hand. The former advocate, as usual in 1990, the restructuring of enterprises and the lifting of subsidies as a prerequisite for granting loans. The latter establish the laws and partnership agreements for Sonatrach. They recommend facilitating access to the ground, the subsoil and even the Algerian off-shore for American companies in order to focus their investments on the fabulous hydrocarbon reserves and in particular shale gas.
7) What to do to reverse the course of events?
Any serious policy will have as a preliminary this non-exhaustive series of recommendations:
-> Establish strategic planning study and analysis groups to reorient the economy and guide scientific decision-making.
-> Revive a real economy based on productive and innovative industrial enterprises, develop agriculture, renewable energy, medical industry, tourism, etc.
-> Entrust state institutions to real skills but subject to the obligation of results. Eliminate incompetence, irresponsibility and fraud in decision-making centers.
-> Refute any development program or investment that is based largely on the exploitation of hydrocarbons. Prevent this pressure on shale gas and advance other more interesting options such as renewable energies.
-> To fight without mercy against the corruption and the black market. Imposing taxes on fortunes, but especially taxing the volume of real estate and lots of land that constitute the financial reservoir in substitution for investment or deposit in banks.
-> Recover by all means, goods illegally transferred abroad.
In conclusion
On a purely formal level, there are currently a number of scientific theories whose applications make it possible to analyze the dynamics of societies in crises, if only from a qualitative point of view. I would quote René Thom's catastrophe theory, Norbert Wiener's theory of cybernetic systems, or Ylia Prigogine's theory of entropy.
On a more practical level of technical management, I am also amazed about the lack of use of scientific tools used in modern countries such as operational research, optimization techniques, simulation and scenario analysis, game theory, theory of decision.
Moreover, by meditating on our case by any approach, I come to the same conclusion that, if the change is not made quickly, the risk is high for Algeria to actually no longer belong to Algerians.
NB: this text is dedicated to those who have sacrificed themselves to liberate Algeria and those who are faithful to them.
[1]- (…
By Abdelouahab Zaatri, independent researcher, Constantine
translated from a text published in july, 05, 2018
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Algeria to actually no longer belong to Algerians.
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